It has been years since I blogged a trip anywhere, I mean years, I would always be on here straight away to blog about it but I’ve let so many trips pass now without a single blog post! So I thought it was time to start sharing photos of my many adventures again! in October we took our second trip to the Lake District, we had been the previous year, and fell in love with the landscape. If you follow me on Instagram you will know how much I LOVE the North Yorkshire moors, so to love somewhere else other then the moors is a big deal for me ;). When we went the first time we had glorious weather, and luckily, even though it was October, we were lucky enough to be hit with great weather again and even on the dull day, it was still magical!  I don’t think I need to say how beautiful it was, these photos speak for themselves!

Beatrix Potters house was something we really wanted to do, and it did not disappoint! It’s small but completely perfect. One tip though I have to share is check the opening times, we wanted to go on the Friday but it was closed, so we had to pop in the Saturday morning before travelling home.

Our autumn trip was perfect, we spent our four days driving around the beautiful lakes, constantly stopping off to take photos and adventure down into forests, we managed to see quite a lot, and even at night we were able to enjoy the dark skies!
Have you visited the Lake District? 
Much love 
Natasha x