When we visited the Lake District last month the weather forecast showed us that we were going to be sharing our trip with some very poor weather. I of course became a drama queen, and announced the trip was ruined before it had even begun, how was I going to take any nice photos with rain every day?!. We made sure to pack all of our waterproof clothing, and I invested in some new walking boots as mine had started letting water in. However when our little trip finally arrived, the weather had turned around except for one day, which was going to be rain all day, something like around 500cm of water was going to fall, okay maybe not that much, but it was going to rain A LOT! 
We enjoyed a beautiful first day with bright sunshine, rushing around to all of our favourite beauty spots to get those gorgeous blue sky photos, knowing that the next day was going to be horrendous.
We woke up on the day we’d been dreading, with no real plan of what to do in this torrential rain, so we decided to get our waterproofs on, do our packed lunches and just drive with no real plan. And do you know what? It was the best day, by far, of the whole trip!  We found huge waterfalls, and areas we’d never visited, we drove for hours without seeing a single car or person. We would jump out of the car in the torrential rain and explore along the now violent streams and waterfalls , and it was so. much. fun. There was something really refreshing about being in the raw elements and as we’d come prepared, we were completely dry and cosy under our waterpoof clothing. Once we’d done quite a walk, with the rain dripping from our faces, we removed our waterproofs and got back in the car and drove again with no real direction, and found the most breath taking scenery. The heavy clouds and mist rolling across the landscape and the autumn tones against the grey, was probably the most beautiful I’d ever seen the lakes. By this point the rain had turned to a constant freezing cold drizzle and the rain would creep up on as as we drove in and out of the clouds on the mountains. At some points I’d jump out of the car to take a photo, knowing that a sheet of rain was quickly approaching me, but I couldn’t get enough of the dark, dull, autumn photos I was capturing. The weather was moody, wet and miserable but we laughed so much, and it felt like we had the entire world to ourselves. 
Looking back I’m not quite sure why I was so worried, I always love our dear moors on the moodiest, bleakest and coldest of days, I should have realised this would be no different! As long as you remember that places like the Lake District can have a change of weather in a heart beat, and you go prepared, you can most definitely have fun on a wet and miserable British holiday!  

Much Love
Natasha x