Its christmas!!! I’ve broke off work, so I am ready to do all things christmassy. I am really shocked at how quick it has come around though, I totally dont feel prepared, especially as I goto Paris on the 30th!! Did you know that? So yes that does mean, yet again, there will be a whole heap of Paris photos on the blog.  I thought today I would share with you the fillable baubles I bought from Hobby Craft. I dont think I need to show you how to fill baubles, but I thought I might offer a 
little inspiration with mine! 
I filled mine with a winter wonderland! I used white feathers, a polar bear with fake snow, some snow covered acorns and twigs off my garden tree complete with fake snow.
Have you made any christmas decorations? I’d love to know!
Much love and a merry christmas!
Natasha x