The sun blazed down upon us as we strolled amongst the cliffside cottages on the tight maze like paths, wandering up and down winding stairs, catching glimpses of the blue sea between white washed walls.  Pink flowers hung over us as we walked between the buildings, wondering what we’d find around the corner. It had a feeling of being somewhere exotic, but the beautiful – and typically quaint cottages, gave us that wonderful reminder that we were here, in Runswick Bay North Yorkshire.
As much as we adventure around the North York Moors, we have never thought of visiting Runswick Bay, and oh my!  how we have been missing out on this jewel. For years we have visited Whitby, Staithes and Robinhoods Bay, but this stunning place has seemed to escape us.
We visited on a glorious Friday around 4pm, it wasn’t actually that busy, and getting parked was really easy, this may be slightly different mid day and on a weekend, but we managed to wander the pathways without ever crossing paths with anyone else.
Runswick Bay is only a small place and is not the place to come if you are looking for seaside gimmicks. I noticed a few places to eat as we walked down which looked lovely and would give great views of the beach. It has a gorgeous beach, but unfortunately the tide was coming in, and so we could only spend a small time on there, but it was enough time to find some ammonite fossils which this coastline is famous for. (If you plan on taking a long walk along the beach make sure to check tide times and so that you don’t get cut off!)
Not only does this beautiful place offer cliff side cottages and astunning beach but Runswick Bay is home to the coastlines only thatched cottage which sits on the very edge, we could only catch a glimpse of it, but it was enough to fill my Cottagecore desires and get a lovely photo.
This is an amazing place, and I would love to spend more time here in the future- it doesn’t matter how much we adventure around North Yorkshire and the moors, there is always somewhere new to discover.

Much Love
Natasha x